Gabby's Recital - 2010
Gabby did awesome, and was beautiful. Check it out!!
Gabby did awesome, and was beautiful. Check it out!!
Authored by j.w.cohen at 6/12/2010 03:43:00 PM 1 comments
So the big girls usually are left in there room with the lights out by 7:30 in the evening. More often than not, they talk and talk until after 8pm. This evening, we decided to get them to bed at a "reasonable" time so we left them around 7:15. It is now just after 8:30, and I heard them talking. I went up there to find...
Authored by j.w.cohen at 6/10/2010 08:33:00 PM 0 comments
Gabriella Rose was born on January 23, 2005. Eleanor Jane was born on March 1, 2007. Margaret Pearl Cohen and Benjamin Winiker Cohen were born on June 20, 2009. This is their story. Feel free to add your two cents.